The Tetiaroa Holistic Ecosystem Workshop

The Tetiaroa Holistic Ecosystem Workshop

The workshop considered how to use Tetiaroa to pioneer a systems approach that harnesses scientific understanding to maximize harmonious interactions among nature and society. In particular, it helped plan the Tetiaroa Holistic Ecosystem Experiment (THE Experiment) leveraging the removal of invasive species (notably rats and mosquitoes) as an extraordinary opportunity to apply novel technologies for conservation (e.g., genetic control of invasive species; drones for deployment/surveillance), test hypotheses of ecological function (e.g., nutrient cycling and food web dynamics), and develop innovative decision support tools (e.g., IDEA scenario-based planning platform). The workshop took place over two days at the UC Gump South Pacific Research Station on Moorea. It took advantage of those who were in French Polynesia on other projects, as well as a few invited participants who had particular experience to share. Not all the expertise needed for the eventual program was in the room; the purpose was rather to advance a plan that the broader community can subsequently refine.


Organized by

Gump Station & Tetiaroa Society


  • James Russell
  • Frank Murphy
  • N. Holmes
  • A. Samaniego
  • K. Lafferty
  • D. Burkepile
  • A. Wegmann
  • R. Griffiths

