iPlaces IDEA - Biocode 2.0 Hologenome Sequencing Project Workshop

iPlaces IDEA - Biocode 2.0 Hologenome Sequencing Project Workshop


The in-person workshop will focus on how to initiate and structure the Biocode 2.0 Hologenome Sequencing Project (the Project), with emphasis on the data platform it will use (iPlaces) and how it will engage with communities, stakeholders, and citizens, particularly with respect to Indigenous genomics and data sovereignty. (The workshop will also contribute to the design of the “Moorea Innovation Hub,” currently the subject of a Gump Station planning grant.)


  • Produce a modified (updated from the initial proposal) Data Management Plan for the Project (DMPTool), 
  • Publish a Project description (iPlaces Journal/Kotahi) with Biocultural Notice (Local Contexts) and agree a process for applying a label to the Project (with an example applied to a pilot subproject - such as one species) 
  • Finalization of field information management system configuration (GEOME) for the Project and creation of examples of likely Project expeditions and resulting samples and data 
  • Create a placeholder for Project methods (Protocols.io)
  • Plan for next few months of stakeholder (sectoral and expert meetings) and citizen (Citizen Assembly) engagement: co-design an inclusive approach for how the Project will make decisions (e.g., selection of target species and sites). 
  • Identification of relevant regulations for the Project 
  • Determine processes and technologies that could accelerate permit application, tracking, and auditing 
  • Plan for an Ethnocode Project, complementary to Biocode, leveraging new technologies to discover island biodiversity through the lens of local and traditional knowledge, especially in Tahitian language 
  • Trilingual strategy for education, training, and the promotion of public engagement in science 
  • Draft of a marker paper - a short publication describing the Project and the reflexive process it is engaging in through this initial Workshop to demonstrate operationalization of principles for integrated open science (FAIR) and Indigenous data sovereignty (CARE)


Monday, March 18


  • 10:00 - Session 1 - Introductions with an overview of the Biocode 2.0 Hologenome Sequencing Project (especially its plans for the next few months, including a pilot phase), iPlaces, Local Contexts - Indigenous genomics/data sovereignty, GEOME, and other programs/infrastructures that we will be working with during the Workshop. Presentation of ethical, social, and legal contexts - particularly in French Polynesia.
    • Goal: Bring everyone together, set expectations, roles in the project, aspirations 
      • 13:30 - Session 2 - Scientific (FAIR), Cultural (Indigenous, Social), and Innovation (Legal, Economic) processes at institutional (Gump, Atitia, Innovation Hub) and project levels; an ethical framework enabled through a novel place-based data trust platform (iPlaces); how the project is submitted through iPlaces’ review system (hosted by Gump Station) considering:
        • Social: Indigenous Data Sovereignty:
          • Discussion of how to organize and implement the consultation process (citizens, sectors, stakeholders) for selecting target species and other aspects of the Project
          • Institution|Atitia: applying the CARE data principles for basic research projects at Gump (starting with Biocode) through biocultural labels (Local Contexts) and for initiating cultural projects led by cultural experts. Create the BC Labels, design a cultural review process (Cultural Advisory Board), and explore how cultural projects might convey their goals to other domains (e.g., science) and other communities (e.g., in other places). How to do the cultural review?
  • Goal: Agree to a plan for the initial consultation phase to co-design the Project, including specific processes (e.g., Citizens Assembly) for ensuring broad input to key decisions
    • Scientific: Implementing FAIR data principles for basic research projects:
      • Institution|Gump: Design scientific process (Scientific Advisory Board) to create/manage projects & their FAIR data
      • Project|Biocode: Sample and Data Journey - examples of planned data for likely expeditions in GEOME, a placeholder for potential protocols, etc. Create Local Context Notice for project; Migrate proposal text to DMPTool; Institutional requirements for engaging with legal jurisdictions.
      • Project|Ethnocode: explore what a similar process might look like for a cultural project led by Atitia
  • 15:00 - Coffee
    • Legal: Institution|Gump: Design scientific process (Scientific Advisory Board) to create/manage projects & their FAIR data. How to improve the administration of permits and compliance?
      • Economic: What are the needs/principles for commercial and/or translational science projects (e.g., legal certainty, reputational protection):
        • Institution|Innovation Hub: Develop review criteria for projects that claim to benefit local communities through environmental, social, and/or financial returns.
        • Project|xxx: restoration project (e.g., Coral Gardeners) and bioprospecting project (e.g., Basecamp Research; Bravely Cultured)
          • Ethical: How to manage any tradeoffs among the above?
  • Goal: Common understanding of what is needed (templates) for managing a Project and outputs (samples/data) from scientific, social, legal and economic perspectives 
    • 15:30 - Session 3:

Tuesday, March 19

  • 08:00 - Session 4: Breakouts
    • Science team: Island Sampling Day, eDNA, and whole genome sequencing
      • Vega Thurber, Correa, Meyer, Davies, Planes …
    • Collaboratively consider the Biocode Project Data Management Plan (DMP, updated from the proposal) and identify the different tools needed for each part (agreements) ; identify gaps/challenges that need development
    • Kotahi demo site | Submit to Gump | Project Application
      • 10:00 - Coffee
  • 10:30 - Session 5: Ethnocode Project
    • Introduction - Recap of Day 1 and Genesis of the Ethnocode Project
    • Discovering and describing island biodiversity through the lens of culture - local and traditional knowledge - especially in the Tahitian language
    • Using digital media to tell the stories of the Project’s 30 target species (inclusively selected) from diverse perspectives, sourced from diverse communities and sectors.
    • How might the Innovation Hub support these stories through digital production (video, audio), data curation, visualization, and/or simulation capacities?
  • Goal: Plan a culture-driven Ethnocode Project complementary to the science-driven focus of the Biocode project
  • 13:30 - Session 6: Unconference - potential themes include:
    • Compliance Infrastructure: technical implementation of regulatory and legal processes (institutional, local, national, international; formal and informal). Demonstrate how iPlaces could facilitate (e.g., drawing on project metadata, DMP, and GEOME to create a draft Access & Benefit Sharing permit for the Project) Create a roadmap for compliance and identify ways that iPlaces can support compliance.
    • GEOME
      • DNA Extraction - identifiers at level of the extraction (subsample from a specimen)
      • How to apply “rules” from field sampling event (social and legal rules) to those samples (individual material samples) that are affected by those rules (note: some rules apply to some samples, e.g., CITES)
      • Facilitate entry of “planned” sampling expeditions (e.g., select polygons from a map to populated a list of samples planned to be collected from a geography)
    • Education and Outreach: combining Biocode, Ethnocode, and Innovation Hub to enhance skills (training courses; citizen science) and to promote public engagement in science.

Wednesday, March 20

  • 08:30 - Session 7: Synthesis
    • Review and discussion
    • Project marker paper: draft a paper describing the goals of the Project and the process we went through in this workshop and why…
  • 09:00 - Session 8: Innovation Hub:

Thursday, March 21

  • 9:00 - Session 9 : Innovation Hub:
    • At Atitia Center: tour and history
    • Back at Gump’s Library:
      • Introduction Innovation Hub
      • Making Lab Workshop (back at Gump’s Library):
        • Users’ needs (Coral Gardeners, constructions, other projects)
        • Vision
        • Capabilities
        • Priorities

Friday, March 22

  • Unconference (to be decided)

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